It was with interest I read about the decline of tourism in the fantastic Scottish Borders. It's true we have the scenery, the golf , the fishing and some of the finest architecture in Britain but there is so much more to the Borders. We have some of the best artists in Britain not only in painting but also glass, photography, ceramics, metalwork, sculpture, furniture and many more besides but these do not seem to get the advantage of the publicity that is given to the typical attractions. There is a group that has been together for five years that are trying to bring more people into the Borders not just once a year but throughout the rest of the year and they are Crossing - Borders a vibrant group of artists who take their work very seriously but do not seem to get the recognition they deserve for trying to bring people to the area, not just for the day but for days at a time. We have an art trail that has been going for four years and is getting bigger and better each year but it is self funded by the artists. Whilst I do not have a complaint about that - funding does seems to go to other areas of tourism very easily. Please don't forget that there are dozens of artists in the area. Please support them.
Sorry i have been absent for awhile just been to busy ( i know thats no excuse but it will have to do) anyway all the signs are out around Smailholm for the crossing-borders art trail that starts this weekend in eastern side of the borders. As you can guess i'm at smailholm village hall with Ian Oliver and Claire Norris, katie will be there also running daft and trying to get some extra food from everyone. see you all there.
Just to let everyone know i will be at St boswells village hall on sat 4th June some new mirrors and kist's for sale. Come along and have a chat and try some of the great food on sale
I will be down at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland this weekend 16th and 17th 10am -5pm. So if you can make it , it would be great to see you .
Well that's wendy's wee prezzy made don't know which wee friend it's for but ma guess wid be wee gladys who lives just along fi her in the next village. There affie friendly ye never see one without the other , a bit like hinge and bracket.
A few of us were at abbotsford house at the weekend to add our presence to the craft fair.
Well the art trail is over for another year, i hope everyone had a great three days, boy were we lucky with the weather. the three of us at smailholm had a great time and i would like to thank the girls of marie curie cancer care for looking after us and the visitors to smailholm village hall.
Rabs Rant
November 2011
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